Apr 22Liked by Sarah Rose Cavanagh 💥🐝

I'll be interested to see the findings from the dorm study too. Back home in the UK it's *not* the norm to share spaces with others in college - to share a bedroom, for example - so I wonder if there's room for some comparative work on cultural expectations around this. (Sharing a room in college always sounded hellish to me!)

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Apr 23Liked by Sarah Rose Cavanagh 💥🐝

Great post, Sarah, thank you for sharing. Have been thinking myself about the ways that I hope we can redeem friction for our students. I often think about analogies to physical training, which although limited as all analogies are, speak to the idea of progressive overload (and rest!) as essential for growth.

Totally agree that friction gets a bad rap and appreciate the way you explained it here!

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